Open Contracting: Lessons from Mexico City

## Workshop __Group__: 1 - Public and economic sector transparency __Track__: 4 - Transparency, accountability and fight against corruption __Type__: Roundtable __Language__: en __Committee Rating__: 5.00 / 5 (1 votes) __Public Rating__: 5.00 / 5 (1 votes) ### Abstract Mexico City, as a local actor, has now implemented the OCDS for all five stages of the procurement process in the Secretary of Finance and is expanding this project to other City agencies. This action has made CDMX the first in the world to implement all phases of the OCDS. It has also developed a visualization portal through which all stakeholders, sophisticated or new to procurement, can understand the City’s contracts. To add to the portal’s functionality, the City developed an API to allow the public to download and manipulate the data as it sees fit. Furthermore, the project is open source so others can replicate it using its code. Mexico City’s Contratos Abiertos portal has set a high standard for what can be achieved using existing human resources, and can provide lessons on forming alliances with outside organizations to develop user-friendly services. In so doing, the project demonstrates that local governments can begin building momentum behind groundbreaking ideas with energy and the right partnerships. Moderator / Facilitator Rose Gill Hearn, Principal of Municipal Integrity - Bloomberg Associates Rapporteur (Person capturing key insights, messages and action points) Andrea Castedo Manly, Project Assistant - Mexico City Government, Mayor’s Office Expert #1 Kathrin Frauscher, Executive Director - Open Contracting Partnership (OCP) Topic of Discussion: How can productive public-private partnerships be formed; how can outside actors catalyze and facilitate innovation within city government; what role can sub-national actors play in catalyzing broader change. Expert #2 Dr. Miguel Ángel Mancera Espinosa, Mayor of Mexico City - Mexico City’s Government Topic of Discussion: How did Mexico City make this possible; where does this project go from here; why this is important and what outcomes are expected. Expert #3 Nathaniel Heller, Managing Director - Global Integrity Topic of Discussion: The potential for open contracting as a tool for competitiveness business opportunity and increased efficiency in government. Expert #4 Jennifer Rodgers, Executive Director - Center for the Advancement of Public Integrity at Columbia Law School (CAPI) Topic of Discussion: Obstacles to fighting public corruption; the utility of accessible information for law enforcement; difficulties facing innovation in government. Expert #5 Marcela Rozo, Senior Operations Officer - World Bank Topic of Discussion: Impact of open contracting at a global level if initiatives such as this are replicated. Additional Information: This portal can be visited at: and you can follow the conversation on Twitter by using #ContratosAbiertosCDMX For more informaction about the project, we have a booklet: Expected audience: Civil Society Organizations, policy groups, businesses, academia and other governments. These conversations will yield insights on how different stakeholders view open contracting and what challenges other governments face in developing such ambitious initiatives +52155 5345 8000 ext 1224 ### Description Security and radios Lighting and Sound equipment; projector and computer Room setup and chair assembly Setup computer so audiovisual materials needed are available and functioning Name placards for speakers Staff assigned to welcome media and assistants Media sign-in table or check-in area available Blank name badges, paper, pens, tape, stapler, Food & beverages Simultaneous translation ### [submitter - CDMX ]( __Affiliation__: Government of Mexico City #### Biography ### Other Informations __Creation Date__: 2016-07-18 15:48:11 __Update Date__: 2016-07-18 16:01:55 __Expected Audience__: 60
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