Public Innovation in Latin America: a pragmatic approach to open government

__Group__: 3 - Climate change and sustainable development __Track__: 8 - Public innovation __Type__: Workshop __Language__: en __Committee Rating__: 5.00 / 5 (2 votes) __Public Rating__: 4.71 / 5 (7 votes) ### Abstract Implementing public innovation strategies in government poses various challenges and offers great opportunities. Under a participatory, transparent and collaborative framework, local and national governments are experimenting with various online and offline mechanisms. These tools have effectively taken advantage of collective intelligence and citizen activism to co-create solutions to be implemented by government. These include: crowdsourcing platforms, co-creation platforms, prize-back challenges and internal innovation competitions. Many Latin American governments have great experience in the design and implementation of these mechanisms, mainly through their Public Innovation Labs. These are great examples of institutional innovation which are getting great traction in the region and the world. This refers mainly to how governments are moving onto a more pragmatic approach to open government, though open and institutional innovation. Cities and countries in the Latin American region such as: Quito (Ecuador), Medellin (Colombia), Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), Argentina, and Chile, have pioneered high impact innovation strategies. Not only have their become examples within the region, but have triggered that there government collaborate with one another, sharing solutions, experiences and challenges. This is a growing ecosystem of collaboration has great potential for exponential innovation to be implemented around the world, and those opportunities are precisely the ones that should be addressed within the open government discussion. The heads of innovation from the cities and countries mentioned above would participate in this workshop as speakers and will share their input and experiences with the participants. Carolina Pozo, Director, Quito Innovation Lab, Ecuador; Luti Guedes, LabRio, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; Gabriella Gomez-Mont, Mexico City Lab; Juan Felipe Lopez, Director of the National Government Lab Chile; Paola Pollmeier, Ruta N Cities for Life- Medellín, Colombia; Aranzazu Echezarreta, National Director of Public Innovation, Argentina. ### Description projector, screen and microphones ### [submitter - Carolina Pozo]( ### Other Informations __Creation Date__: 2016-07-18 20:53:42 __Update Date__: 2016-07-18 22:19:51 __Expected Audience__: 150
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